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Professional Embedded Solutions

Embedded Firmware Design

C, C++, Rust, AL/ML

Signetik has a strong embedded firmware team that can create a design that suits your needs. Proper design processes and source code control help facilitate the quality control needed to deliver high quality software. Signetik is well versed in many embedded programming languages, include C, C++, Assembly, and Rust. We use in-house repository servers, but can push code to private, cloud based servers, such as GitHub. We have a strong experience with wireless technologys and IoT protocols, such as CoAP, CBOR, MQTT, TLS, FOTA, and more. Signetik has strong experience in debugging software, understanding how various language compile into the machine language, as well as understanding stack, heap, and global/static memory allocations. Using tools, such as logic analyzers and good test methodologies, Signetik is able to find, track, and fix bugs in any application.

Rust language screenshot from Signetik application
Watchdog timer application source code image
  • Specfiications
  • Prototyping/POC
  • System Design
  • Software Design
  • Software Development
  • Issue/Feature Tracking
  • Version Control
  • Release Tracking
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Code Review
  • Security
  • Authentication
  • Integrity
  • Robust FOTA

Signetik can help you with modules and design services.