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Zephyr RTOS

MCU integration and applications

Signetik offers Zephyr RTOS design services. Zephyr is an open source collaborative effort uniting developers and users in building a best-in-class small, scalable, real-time operating system (RTOS) optimized for resource-constrained devices, across multiple architectures. The Zephyr Project is a neutral project where silicon vendors, OEMs, ODMs, ISVs, and OSVs can contribute technology to reduce costs and accelerate time to market for billions of connected embedded devices. The software is a perfect choice for simple connected sensors, LED wearables, modems, and small wireless gateways. Because Zephyr is modular and supports multiple architectures, developers can create a solution that meets their needs. As an open source project, the community evolves the project to support new hardware, developer tools, sensors, and device drivers. Improvements are frequently delivered to incorporate enhancements in security, device management capabilities, connectivity stacks, and file systems. Let Signetik help you adopt the Zephyr RTOS and expand your code base to be more organized, more efficient, and more manageable. Services include the creation of a board support package, driver development, application development, or simply in helping set up the skeleton project that your team can use to begin development with.

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